Monday, December 8, 2008

demolition part duex

so after i finished removing the paneling from the wall saturday night (finished around 830pm...working late is the downside of sleeping till noon), my dad and i tackled the framing on sunday morning.

we thought it was going to be an easy job...bust up some framing, throw it in the truck, haul it away. was not that easy...the framing was hooked to horizontal running 2x4's...which were bolted thru the cinder block wall via toggle bolts...the vertical framing was also reinforced with some choicely placed 2x6's...this wall was not coming down without a fight.

my first mistake came when i broke the one and only metal cutting sawzaw blade.

unfortunately, this is the wall that contains the plumbing and we had to navigate around that mess. once we had a clear view of the ceiling we found a rather disturbing site on the septic line...

yes...that is duct tape...

...time to call the plumber...

anyway, aside from the insane plumbing, after a few hours of slinging crowbars and hammers, we managed to get the wall down. all in all, i think it took 3 hours or so just for that 12 foot section of wall...its going to be a long winter.

next up, patching the holes in the cinder block, cleaning, painting...washer and dryer time!

oh, and heres a random pic of our TR6...we cant really drive it right now, the headlights dont work...i cant figure out whats wrong with the headlights, i used a little 'voltage detecting' pen and determined that the light switch is that means i have to trace the lighting wires around to find the loose connection...good times.

it also occured to me that i should post a picture of the actual house...maybe i will do that the next time i have daylight...its dark when i leave in the morning, and dark when i get home.

1 comment:

Dave Toth said...

ahhhh the joys of home ownership.
A place to park the cool car. Nice,
And duct tape holding everything together. Suprise!
In due time you will also "just duct tape it" or something along those lines.